
How to Convince Leadership to Create an Effective SOC

Security threats are evolving. They’re advancing in capabilities, which has led to a demand in Security Operations Centers (SOCs) to counter these issues. Now, relying on your basic firewall or antivirus software isn’t going to protect your company from being broken into. There are numerous ways to bypass these softwares and is often compared to as a plastic lock. Cyber security requires layering solutions and other measures to enable and maintain security – which leads to SOCs.

Do You Need a SOC?

One of the most difficult things that business owners tend to brush off is the conversation about the need for a SOC. Without justification, owners simply don’t realize the threat or value of the center itself. What needs to occur is tangible evidence that being proactive can actually assist in the company’s overall productivity.

Waiting to react after a breach has occurred could lead to an extremely costly recovery. Not only this, but valuable information and data could be stolen – which could lead to legal troubles and other problems that could cost you a significant amount money and time. You’ve seen it on the news, how money has been lost from data breaches.

Establishing a SOC

With so many questions to ask, you should focus on ones that are designed to make the owner think about the impact that an incident can have on the company. You’ll also want to ensure whether or not their cyber security capabilities are more than just your standard antivirus software and firewall. Most businesses have found that they need to develop a more effective incident response plan, which requires a group within the business to take care of it – enter the Security Operations Center.


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